Functionality: PeerWise is an online repository of multiple-choice questions that are created, answered, rated and discussed by students. Typically, at the beginning of a term, a course using PeerWise begins with an empty repository. This grows gradually as the course progresses and students author and contribute relevant questions. All activity remains anonymous to students, however instructors are able to view the identity of question and comment authors and have the ability to delete inappropriate questions. In practice, instructor moderation is rarely necessary and PeerWise is often used with little staff involvement. Similar to an open forum, except with more engagement and feedback integration. Also, this provides ability for teachers to use tool for assessment.

System Requirements: Works on most web browsers.

Delivery Methods Supported: Supports revision and assessment

Subject Applicability: PeerWise has been used in courses covering a variety of disciplines. Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths, Medicine, Physics, Population Health, Psychology, and more. Any course for which it makes sense for students to author their own multiple-choice questions and to explain their understanding of a topic in their own words could benefit from using PeerWise.

Security Concerns: None

Pricing Model: Free

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